Cost coverage by the health insurance fund
When it comes to laser eye surgery and lens implantation, it is often unclear whether and how much of the costs are covered by health insurance. We provide you with an overview of the largest providers in Switzerland.
Basically, depending on your health insurance, the costs of glasses and contact lenses are already covered by your basic insurance - but in some cases they are only covered by supplementary insurance. Refractive surgery, i.e. eye lasers and lens implantations, are only covered by supplementary insurance.
The following list corresponds to the status at the end of September 2023. We can only take into account changes on the part of the insurance companies to a limited extent. You should always clarify with your health insurance company at the time of your treatment whether and how much you can charge to your health insurance. Please note that the eye drops that you have to use after the treatment are self-supporting and are not covered by the health insurance.
With the supplementary insurance Completa Plus, Helsana covers 100 per cent of the costs up to a maximum of CHF 500 per eye and calendar year for laser eye surgery. A waiting period* of 12 months is required. If you are still insured under the "Completa Extra" model, a maximum of CHF 750 per eye and calendar year will be covered for refractive surgery. This is subject to a waiting period* of six months. However, this supplementary insurance can no longer be taken out as of September 2023.
*) Waiting period (also called waiting period or waiting time) is the period during which you cannot yet receive certain benefits after taking out an insurance policy.
With the Outpatient insurance myflex Balance and myFlex Premium, CHF 150.- or 300.- per case per calendar year will be covered from the age of 19.
With the supplementary insurance Optima (50 per cent of the costs up to a maximum of CHF 1,000) in combination with Completa Top (50 per cent of the costs up to a maximum of CHF 500), SWICA will pay a one-off maximum amount of CHF 1,500.
Assura covers CHF 100 per calendar year up to a maximum of CHF 500 for surgical vision correction with the supplementary insurance Completa Extra.
Concordia pays 50 percent of the costs up to a maximum of CHF 400 with the supplementary insurance Diversa Care and 50 percent of the costs up to a maximum of CHF 600 with Diversa Premium. This applies in each case for a maximum of every five years. Requirements are an age between 22 and 51 years and a waiting period* of one year.
*) Waiting period (also known as waiting period or waiting time) is the period during which you cannot yet receive certain benefits after taking out an insurance policy.
Visana does not cover the costs of laser eye treatment or lens implantation.
KPT also does not cover the costs of laser eye treatment or lens implantation.
Mutuel Assurance
With Mutuel Assurance, Premium supplementary insurance covers 90 per cent of the costs up to a maximum amount of CHF 800 for the entire duration of the contract.
Sanitas does not cover the costs of laser eye treatment or lens implantation.