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For a Glasses-Free Life

Laser Eye Surgery: Say Goodbye to Glasses & Contact Lenses!

Say goodbye to your glasses and contact lenses with a laser eye treatment at betterview. Learn all about the different treatment methods and the process of your treatment at betterview.

  • Femto-LASIK

    Our most frequently performed laser treatment with quickly visible results.

    Save CHF 250 per eye now!

    CHF 1,640 CHF 1,890 per eye¹

    Starting at CHF 59 per month²

    Learn more
  • Pricing image of

    SMILE Pro

    One of the latest laser methods for correcting nearsightedness and astigmatism.

    Save CHF 250 per eye now!

    CHF 2,340 CHF 2,590 per eye¹

    Starting at CHF 81 per month²

    Learn more
  • Trans-PRK

    Alternative to Femto-LASIK, especially suitable for people with thin corneas.

    Save CHF 250 per eye now!

    CHF 1,440 CHF 1,690 per eye¹

    Starting at CHF 51 per month²

    Learn more
  • Pricing image of


    Laser eye surgery for people with presbyopia and the perfect alternative to lens replacement.⁴

    Save CHF 250 per eye now!

    CHF 2,140 CHF 2,390 per eye¹

    Starting at CHF 72 per month²

    Learn more

¹ In a non-binding and free preliminary examination on-site, we will determine together which treatment method is suitable for you. All prices include VAT and are per eye. Discounts cannot be combined.

² Pay for your treatment in installments, tailored to your needs and possibilities. No down payment is required. Want to learn more? Find more information in our Helpdesk.

⁴ This treatment method is exclusively available at our location in Zurich.

What You Need

Laser Eye Surgery: Am I Suitable?

To be eligible for laser eye surgery, you should meet certain requirements, such as stable vision, healthy corneas, and a minimum age. In a free preliminary examination, we will determine if you're a suitable candidate!

  • Your nearsightedness is within the treatable range for laser treatment.

  • Your farsightedness should not be too severe and must be treatable.

  • Your astigmatism should not be too pronounced.

  • You are of legal age and your vision has been stable for at least one year.

  • Your eyes are healthy and there are no serious underlying conditions.

Simple as That

Four Easy Steps

Your laser eye treatment at betterview consists of four simple steps. We explain to you, step by step, what to expect at each of your appointments.

  • 1

    Preliminary Examination

    In a free and non-binding preliminary examination, we determine whether and which treatment method is best suited for you and your eyes. Along with a vision test, your current visual aid will also be measured. The preliminary examination takes about 30 minutes.

  • 2

    Main Examination

    The main examination is also free and non-binding – costs are only incurred if you decide to proceed with the treatment. During the 45-minute examination, a vision test is conducted again, and your eyes are measured in detail.

  • 3


    Your eyes will be numbed with eye drops, and then you'll head to the treatment room. The treatment itself is painless and takes only a few minutes per eye. During the procedure, our medical team will be in constant communication with you.

  • 4


    Follow-up examinations will take place depending on the treatment method, either the next day or within a week. Our medical team will explain the healing process and what to keep in mind during your visit.

What Customers Are Saying

Experiences: How Our Customers Rate Us

Nothing is more authentic than customer feedback. Learn firsthand how betterview has improved our customers' daily lives, what experiences they've had, and why betterview became the best decision for many.

Profile photo of Ramon HinderRamon Hinder2 hours ago

Ich habe vor ca 1 Jahr die Augen bei betterview gelasert und bin rundherum äusserst zufrieden! Würde es immer wieder machen - vielen Dank an das ganze BETTERVIEW-TEAM!

Profile photo of Milos SimicevicMilos Simicevic23 hours ago

Hervorragende Erfahrung bei Betterview! Ich bin absolut zufrieden mit meiner Augenlaser-Behandlung (Femto LASIK) bei Betterview. Das Team ist jung, dynamisch und unglaublich professionell. Von Anfang an haben sie mir die Angst genommen und mich bestens betreut. Die gesamte Behandlung verlief reibungslos, und das Ergebnis ist einfach fantastisch. Ich kann Betterview jedem empfehlen, der über eine Augenlaser-OP nachdenkt! #lebensqualität #femtolasik #augenlasern #betterview

Profile photo of Arben LekajArben Lekaj6 days ago

Super gute Beratung, der Augenarzt Top nur zu empfehlen.

Profile photo of Maria DuranMaria Duran6 days ago

Merci beaucoup à tous ! Je suis très contente du résultat, cet intervention m'a change la vie. Tout l'équipe était super sympa et agréable ☺️

Profile photo of Arnaud BohrenArnaud Bohren1 week ago

Merci à toute l'équipe. Sympathie et professionnalisme du premier au dernier RDV.

Profile photo of Irena VolicIrena Volic2 weeks ago

Ich war in St.Gallen im Betterview. Ich habe mich sehr Wohl und Willkommen gefühlt. Das Personal ist sehr freundlich und kompetent. Ich hatte natürlich Respekt vor dieser Behandlung gehabt aber sie haben mir die Angst genommen und ich habe mich sicher bei ihnen gefühlt. Die Behandlung verlief schmerzfrei. Der Arzt erklärte mir jeden Schritt während der Behandlung. Ich habe mich keine Sekunde gefürchtet. Endlich kann ich wieder gut sehen. Es ist ein tolles Gefühl. DANKE

Profile photo of Sonia MolteniSonia Molteni2 weeks ago

Je peux prouver que ma vie à changé après l'opération oculaire. La qualité de vie s'est amélioré de 100%. Je recommande l'opération et vis l'expérience. L'équipe batterie view GENÈVE très professionnel.

Profile photo of Sebastián TorrianiSebastián Torriani2 weeks ago

Prise en charge hyper rapide. 3 semaines après mon premier rendez-vous j'ai eu mon opération. Tout s'est passé sans soucis, après l'opération une après-midi un peu dur mais dès le lendemain une vision d'aigle. Je recommande !

Profile photo of Fabian ErnstFabian Ernst2 weeks ago

Sehr angenehme Mitarbeiter, freundlich und hilfsbereit. Würde ich jederzeit wieder machen und jedem empfehlen. Der Eingriff geht schnell und ohne schmerzen.

Profile photo of Katarina TrajkovicKatarina Trajkovic2 weeks ago

Mi sono trovata molto bene!! Tutto il team professionale e troppo gentile❤️

Profile photo of Estelle StaussEstelle Stauss2 weeks ago

Personale molto gentile e simpatico, mi sono sentita accolta, come a casa! Tutti molto professionali e disponibili. Finalmente ci vedo, senza occhiali né nulla, super consigliato!

Profile photo of AmalAmal2 weeks ago

Incredible results and very supportive and kind staff. I was nervous at first about laser eye surgery but was convinced by the state of the art FemtoLASIK technology that BetterView has. The first 8 hours of recovery were tough post-op, but everything was smooth sailing after and the results are incredible. So glad I went ahead with it!

Profile photo of Vjollca JakupiVjollca Jakupi3 weeks ago

Meine Augen Lasern zu lassen, war die beste Entscheidung überhaupt. Das ganze Team alle waren so nett, und hilfsbereit war wirklich super! Jetzt brauche ich einfach keine Brille mehr, und ich sehe mehr als genug. Ich bin Happy 👍 und es tat auch nicht weh . Vielen vielen Dank an das Betterview Team

Profile photo of NemesisNemesis3 weeks ago

Très satisfaite! L’accueil est plus que parfait, la (jeune) équipe est très professionnelle et compétente, ils vous expliquent chaque étape pendant les examens et pendant l’opération elle-même, le suivi est rigoureux (ils ne vous lâchent pas dans la nature après l’opération), le tout avec le sourire et la bonne humeur. En plus on peut se parquer juste devant la porte donc c’est parfait. Ma vue est devenue excellente (120%) et je me suis débarrassée de mes lunettes. Merci à vous!!!

Profile photo of Rocco VerardiRocco Verardi3 weeks ago

Davvero profesionisti Io sono contento è Consiglio ha chi vuole togliere gli occhiali di non pensare 2 volte andate betterview Zurigo

Profile photo of Swiss views with ChristianSwiss views with Christian3 weeks ago

One of the best service, especially Optometrist Beatrice, Bianca also from reception, I do recommend this clinic .

Profile photo of Edison CabrinoEdison Cabrino4 weeks ago

Gentili, sempre disponibili e cordiali. Non mi sono neanche accorto di aver fatto il laser ! Consigliatissimi! Grazie better view Lugano

Profile photo of Elsa Araujo GoncalvesElsa Araujo Goncalves1 month ago

Très bon travail. Je suis ravie d'avoir fait le lazer aux yeux surtout que depuis j'ai beaucoup moin de maux de tête. Ils sont super accueillant Ils ont réussi à me mettre facilement en confiance et ils ont fait du travail de pro ! C'est une opération certe impressionnante mais sans réel douleurs. Je recommande Betterview sans hésitation

Profile photo of Solveig WentzlaffSolveig Wentzlaff1 month ago

Von Anfang bis Ende sehr freundliche und vor allem sehr kompetente Betreuung Das ist ein kleiner Eingriff der mein Leben sensationell verändert hat Ein ganz neues Lebensgefühl, ich würde es immer wieder machen lassen Unbeschreiblich schön Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team ihrcsrig grossartig 👏👏👏👏

Profile photo of Olliii26 OF BOOMOlliii26 OF BOOM1 month ago

Habe Meine Augen Vor über 1 Jahr mit der Trans-PRK behandelt und bin vollkommen zufrieden Bin Als LKW Chauffeur tätig und kann Wieder zu 100% sehen Ich Kann jedem Betterview weiterimpfelen der Das leben Ohne lestige Brille oder Kontaktliesen Geniesen möchte

See Clearly, Live Better

Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery

With a laser eye surgery, you benefit from clearer vision and a long-term improvement in your eyesight. Say goodbye to glasses or contact lenses and experience a significantly enhanced quality of life!

  • Safe and Precise:

    Laser eye surgery is a safe procedure for the long-term correction of refractive errors. We use only the most advanced laser devices, ensuring maximum safety and precision.

  • Short Treatment Duration:

    Laser eye treatments take only a few minutes per eye. The procedure is completed in no time, and you can go home shortly after.

  • No More Visual Aids:

    No more adjusting glasses, dealing with foggy, scratched, or dirty lenses, or the hassle of handling contact lenses and purchasing cleaning solutions.

  • Improved Quality of Life:

    No limitations when playing sports, working, or during leisure time – enjoy a completely new sense of freedom. With clear vision, free from glasses or contact lenses, you can focus on what matters, benefiting from your newly gained quality of life.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here you’ll find the most important questions and answers about betterview. If you have any further questions or need additional information, feel free to get in touch with us.

  • What are the requirements for laser eye surgery?

    The requirements for laser eye surgery include refractive errors, a minimum age of 18 years, generally healthy eyes, and good overall health. Additionally, your vision should have been stable for an extended period.

  • Which age group is eligible for laser eye surgery?

    Generally, people between the ages of 18 and 45 are eligible for laser eye surgery. Even later in life, laser treatments (such as PRESBYOND) or a refractive lens exchange may be a suitable correction option. The most suitable treatment for you can be determined in a free, non-binding preliminary examination.

  • Does laser eye correction last a lifetime?

    Yes, in most cases, laser eye surgery provides a long-term correction. However, it's important to distinguish this from presbyopia. Presbyopia affects the lens inside the eye and impacts near vision. Laser treatments do not prevent presbyopia. Our medical team will be happy to explain this to you.

  • Where can I get my eyes laser-treated?

    betterview has locations in Zurich, Bern, Basel, St. Gallen, Lucerne, Aarau, Geneva, Lausanne, Lugano, and Chur. Here you can find an overview and available appointments for a free preliminary examination.

  • How much does laser eye surgery cost at betterview?

    Prices vary depending on the treatment method. With the Trans-PRK method, it costs CHF 1,690 per eye, with Femto-LASIK CHF 1,890 per eye, with SMILE Pro CHF 2,690 per eye, and PRESBYOND CHF 2,390 per eye. Treatments are payable in installments.

  • What are the most common risks of laser eye surgery?

    In general, laser eye surgery is a very safe option for correcting refractive errors. However, like any medical procedure, it carries some risks. These include dry eyes, visual fluctuations, and unwanted residual astigmatism. Most of the mentioned complications can be resolved with appropriate aftercare. More information on potential risks can be found here.