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PRESBYOND is a more recent treatment method. In addition to refractive errors, presbyopia can also be corrected: one eye is corrected for distance vision but allows vision in the intermediate range, while the other one is adjusted for near vision, with a minimal reduction in distance vision. This means that even people with presbyopia will depend less on reading glasses. The treatment method is an alternative to refractive lens exchange, in which the eye's own lens is replaced by an artificial lens.

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Quite simple

Laser eye treatment with PRESBYOND in four steps

Your laser eye treatment at betterview is completed in four simple steps::

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Preliminary examination

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In a free and no-obligation preliminary examination, we determine whether you and your eyes are suitable for treatment with PRESBYOND. In addition to checking your visual acuity, we will also analyse your current visual aids. The preliminary examination takes 30 minutes.


Main examination

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During the 45-minute main examination, your visual acuity is confirmed again, and your eye is examined further. This is how we ensure that the treatment method chosen for you can provide the best possible result. The main examination is also free, with no obligation to purchase. You only incur costs if you decide to have laser eye treatment.



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Firstly, we anaesthetise your eyes with drops. PRESBYOND uses the Femto-LASIK laser procedure. We use a femtosecond laser to create a thin cover (“flap”) in the uppermost corneal layer of the eye (epithelium) and fold it aside. The excimer laser then corrects both distance and near vision. The flap is folded back and serves as a natural protective lens.



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After PRESBYOND, the first follow-up takes place the following day. Generally, most people have already regained their full visual acuity and can return to work and drive.

Timetable for your PRESBYOND treatment

In the following, we will guide you step by step through the timetable of your laser eye treatment so that you know exactly what to expect. From the first preliminary examination to the final follow-up, here you will find all the important information you need to feel well-prepared and confident.

  • Before treatment

    Preliminary and primary examination

    After the free and no-obligation preliminary examination, you will come back a second time for the main examination. Please note that you should refrain from wearing contact lenses for at least four days before your appointment. We will also give you eye drops for the examination, which may impair your vision for a few hours. Therefore, you are not allowed to drive. We recommend travelling by public transport for the main examination. In addition to your visual acuity, during the examination, we will also examine the cornea and the back of the eye in detail to find the most suitable treatment method for you.

  • Treatment day

    Treatment process and procedure

    The treatment with PRESBYOND takes place at the third appointment. The procedure is similar to a classic laser eye treatment with Femto-LASIK. After we have anaesthetised the eyes with eye drops, we create a so-called flap in the uppermost layer of the cornea and fold it aside. We then use a laser to treat the refractive error underneath. With PRESBYOND, the dominant eye is corrected for distance vision and the other one for near vision. The flap is then folded back and serves as a natural protective lens for the eye. The appointment takes about an hour.

  • After the first few hours

    Possible symptoms

    Immediately after treatment, you may experience increased light sensitivity, redness, or a sensation of having a foreign body in your eye in the first few hours. Other symptoms may include cloudy vision, watery, dry, burning or swollen eyes and temporarily fluctuating vision. It is recommended to wear sunglasses as a protection against glare and foreign bodies.*

  • After 24 hours

    First follow-up

    The first follow-up takes place the following day. This is the first time that we will check your new vision without visual aids. Generally, we can also issue the confirmation for the road traffic office at this point. You can then return to your everyday life as usual.

  • After 7 days

    Second Follow-up

    Your second follow-up will take place after one week. With PRESBYOND, you have often already achieved full visual acuity and no longer have any major side effects. It is important to continue to follow the recommended hygiene measures and to use the eye drops according to the eye drop schedule.

  • After 14 days

    Return to your daily routine

    Sports, swimming, and saunas are permitted again, as is wearing make-up and creams around the eyes. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the Medical Team or our Customer Care Team at any time.

  • After 2 months

    Last follow-up

    After approximately two months, a final follow-up will take place to check your visual acuity and ensure the optimal healing process of your eyes in the long term.

*Please note that an individual’s sensitivity to pain and the perception of symptoms can vary from one person to another. Therefore, the process may be slightly different for you.

Can I have my eyes lasered image - left

What you need

Am I suitable for laser eye treatment with PRESBYOND?

PRESBYOND offers an opportunity for people who would like to undergo laser eye treatment but already show signs of presbyopia.

You should meet the following requirements:

  • Presbyopia
  • Long-sightedness, short-sightedness or corneal curvature or a combination of these refractive errors
  • Your eyes are healthy
  • Good physical health
Free appointment image

In a free and non-binding preliminary examination on-site, we will determine whether you can have your eyes lasered and which treatment method is best suited for you.

Start treatment

Advantages of PRESBYOND

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For Presbyopia

PRESBYOND is an opportunity to improve presbyopia. This means you no longer depend on reading glasses. It is also an alternative to refractive lens exchange.

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Treatment in a few minutes

The treatment method stands out due to its minimal treatment time, quickly visible results and short healing process.

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Safe and Precise

The treatment allows maximum safety and precision in the procedure. The laser automatically switches off at the slightest eye movement.

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Ready to go the next day

PRESBYOND promotes quick recovery as well as quickly visible results. Most clients can return to their daily routine one day after the procedure.

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Frequently asked questions about PRESBYOND

These are the most important questions and answers about betterview and the treatment method PRESBYOND. If you can't find the answer to your question here, please get in touch with us.


PRESBYOND is a laser eye treatment procedure (Laser Blended Vision) from Zeiss. It combines laser eye treatment with monovision and thus provides an opportunity to improve presbyopia. The Femto-LASIK method is used, whereby one eye is corrected for distance vision and the other one for near vision.

What are the advantages of PRESBYOND?

PRESBYOND is a laser eye treatment method for people with presbyopia. The procedure is customised, promotes quick recovery and has a high level of client satisfaction. The client no longer depends on visual aids such as contact lenses or glasses.

PRESBYOND or refractive lens exchange?

PRESBYOND and refractive lens exchange are both options for correcting presbyopia. While PRESBYOND is a laser eye treatment that corrects the eye's cornea, refractive lens exchange involves replacing the eye's own lens with an artificial lens.

How long does PRESBYOND last?

PRESBYOND improves presbyopia and lasts between two and five years. However, due to refractive error changes, the eyes' ageing process or other problems such as cataracts, additional treatment may be necessary to restore visual acuity.

When is PRESBYOND not possible?

Treatment with PRESBYOND may be ruled out under the following circumstances: medical contraindications, cornea diseases, eye diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma, extremely high refractive errors or unstable visual acuity.

How much does PRESBYOND cost?

Treatment with PRESBYOND costs CHF 2,390 per eye at betterview. The treatment is payable in individual monthly installments. PRESBYOND is an alternative to refractive lens exchange and, in addition to correcting astigmatism, short-sightedness and long-sightedness, also improves presbyopia.

How long does healing take after PRESBYOND?

The treatment is characterised by a short healing process. However, as with any medical procedure, blurred vision, burning or dry eyes, a sensation of having a foreign body in your eye and increased light sensitivity may occur in the first few hours. The Medical Team will explain this to you in detail.

What side effects can occur?

The following symptoms may occur in the first few hours:

  • Increased light sensitivity
  • Sensation of having a foreign body in your eye
  • Blurred or cloudy vision
  • Redness, burning or dry eyes

What are the most common risks of laser eye treatment?

Laser eye treatment is a very safe option for the long-term correction of refractive errors. However, like any medical procedure, it also involves some risks. The most common include

  • Dry eyes
  • Fluctuating visual acuity
  • Over- or undercorrection

In most cases, the complications mentioned above can be resolved with a follow-up treatment.

Which betterview locations offer PRESBYOND?

PRESBYOND is currently only offered in the betterview shop in Zurich.

What is the difference between the different treatment methods?

The treatment methods differ in their procedure. Femto-LASIK, TransPRK and SMILE Pro treat refractive errors in the cornea, the eye's front layer. In lens implantation, an artificial lens is inserted into the eye, while in refractive lens exchange, the eye's own lens is replaced by an artificial lens. Refractive lens exchange and PRESBYOND are also correction options for presbyopia.